Do you need a slip and fall attorney in Stone Mountain?

If there’s a safety hazard on someone’s property, it’s their responsibility to remedy the issue or properly warn you. If they don’t, you might suffer a serious injury. Slip and fall victims deserve to be compensated for the money, time, and quality of life they lose. A slip and fall lawyer in Stone Mountain might be able to help you recover compensation.

What should you do after a slip and fall injury?

If you get hurt on someone else’s property, the owner of the property might be apologetic and accommodating. However, you’ll probably find that their insurance company is anything but. 
Insurance companies try to get away with paying accident victims as little as possible, and that can leave you with thousands in lost wages, medical bills, and more. If you want to preserve your chances of receiving a settlement as much as possible, make sure you do the following:

  • File a Report to the Owner or Manager: If you’re hurt at a business, tell the person in charge — they should have a standard reporting procedure, and you need one to document the injury
  • Identify the Cause: To file a claim, you need an explanation of what caused your fall
  • Document the Scene: Photos and videos that show the hazard will prove to be valuable if you file a claim
  • Get Witness Information: Ask witnesses for statements, or at least get their contact information so your lawyer can talk to them later
  • Get Medical Help: This is important for safety, and if you don’t get medical help, the other side can argue that you weren’t hurt as badly as you claim
  • Take Notes: Write down as many details as you can — it will help your case tremendously

If your injury is severe enough, you might not have the presence of mind or physical ability to take these steps. Don’t worry if that’s the case — your health and safety are the most important things. If an attorney takes your case, they can help you gather documentation later.

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How do you find a slip and fall attorney?

If you get hurt because someone else was negligent, you probably know you should hire an attorney. However, you might not know how to do so. The first step is to find a slip and fall lawyer and set up a consultation. Almost all of these lawyers offer free initial appointments. Make sure you bring all the evidence you have to the consultation.

The lawyer will look over what happened and decide whether your case is likely to succeed in court. However, you should bear in mind that some lawyers might take on cases other lawyers don’t. If you get turned down by one, there’s no harm in setting up a consultation with another attorney.

Do you need to pay up front for a slip and fall attorney?

Slip and fall lawyers work on contingency, meaning they don’t charge anything up front. They only get paid if your case is successful. That means you don’t pay anything unless you win.

But it also means that a lawyer isn’t going to automatically take your case. If there isn’t enough evidence that the property owner was negligent or that you had significant damages, the lawyer probably won’t take your case.

For example, if you suffered a very minor injury with few medical bills, the monetary damages you would be able to recover would be very small. Because the lawyer would end up losing money litigating your case, they likely wouldn’t take it.

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How can a Stone Mountain slip and fall lawyer help?

If you’ve been hurt in a slip and fall accident, you might already be overwhelmed with medical bills, missing work, financial strain, and, of course, physical pain. At Pendergrass Law, we understand that it can be hard to do anything but get through the day-to-day after an injury. However, if you take the time to reach out to a slip and fall attorney in Stone Mountain, you might find that you can achieve peace as you go through your recovery. At Pendergrass Law, we’re passionate about seeking justice for injured people.

Searching for a slip and fall lawyer in Stone Mountain?

Receiving a settlement from the person or business responsible for your injury might not make everything better, but it can ease the financial and mental strain that comes with serious injuries. If you’ve been badly hurt because of a hazard on someone else’s property, our team might be able to help. Contact us today or schedule a visit at our Stone Mountain office at 1298 Rockbridge Road SW, Suite C to set up a free case review.

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