What to know about bus accidents in Clayton, GA

Bus accidents involve buses of all types, including school buses. These accidents can injure pedestrians, those on the bus, and other people sharing the road. Because of the size of a bus, accidents that involve them are more likely to cause severe injuries.

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What causes bus accidents in Clayton, GA?

Bus accidents occur for a number of reasons, including distracted driving. A driver who takes their attention off the road can cause accidents. Driving under the influence is another concern because it slows reaction times and makes drivers more volatile. Sometimes, the drivers themselves are not to blame. Road conditions like uneven pavement can cause the driver to lose control of the bus, while part malfunctions can point to manufacturing or design issues. Because understanding what led to the accident is essential to knowing who’s liable, turning to a bus accident lawyer in Clayton, GA, is one of the most important things you can do. 

What you need to prove after a bus accident

If you’ve been the victim of a bus accident that wasn’t your fault, you may be feeling unsure about your next steps. You deserve compensation for the sudden losses you suffered, but first, you need to prove liability. Proving liability means identifying who was at fault. This requires gathering evidence and showing that the other party had a duty of care toward you and others on the road. Any person driving a vehicle has a duty of care toward others. If they didn’t follow traffic laws or they acted negligently in any way, they breached that duty. An experienced lawyer knows just how to prove this. Once your lawyer has established a duty of care, they have to prove that the other party’s negligence led to your injuries. And finally, you have to show that you can be compensated for your losses. Because of the complexities of meeting all of these requirements, especially when dealing with the city, you need to rely on the knowledge and experience of a bus accident attorney in Clayton, GA.

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How a bus accident lawyer can help in Clayton, GA

After a bus accident, you should reach out to a lawyer for help. At Pendergrass Law, we will first assess your claim to ensure that it is viable. Not every claim is, so this step is essential. We can then begin gathering evidence. We know what can help prove your claim, including medical records, police reports, and eyewitness accounts. Next, we begin negotiating with the other parties. This is perhaps the most complex part of a claim. If we see that you’re not receiving fair treatment or that the negotiations have stalled, we can file a lawsuit and take your case to court. This isn’t something you ever want to do on your own, so turning to experienced lawyers is vital. 

Compensation available after a bus accident

In Georgia, you can claim economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages refer to losses you sustained that you can put a number to, like medical expenses and lost wages. If you need ongoing medical care, you can also ask for future expenses. Non-economic damages are those that aren’t as easy to put a price on, like pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life. The type of injuries you suffer and how they affect your life will all play a role in the damages you receive. In extreme cases, you may also be able to file for punitive damages. These are available only for egregious actions, and they’re not compensatory damages. Instead, their purpose is to punish the person who caused the accident. 

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What Pendergrass Law can offer

At Pendergrass Law, we have years of experience helping clients who have been injured because of someone else’s negligence. We’re a firm ready to offer legal guidance as well as the support you need to get through this difficult time. Because we know just how financially challenging it can be to go through the aftermath of an accident, we work on a contingency fee basis. This means that we don’t get paid unless you do. The last thing we want to do is weigh you down with more bills. With our team by your side, you can get a full assessment of your claim and the full support of lawyers who are as compassionate as they are knowledgeable. You can come out on the other side of this harrowing experience with the resources you need to move forward.

Contact a bus accident lawyer in Clayton, GA, today

If you’ve been in a bus accident in Clayton, GA, and have suffered injuries and other losses, do not hesitate to reach out to experienced lawyers in the area. At Pendergrass Law, we offer representation to the Spanish and English-speaking communities in Clayton. If you’ve been in an accident that wasn’t your fault, take quick action to get the help you need. Contact Pendergrass Law today for help.

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