Paralysis Injuries and Personal Injury Law

Not all accidents or injuries entitle the injured party to compensation, but there are many circumstances where someone is the victim of another’s negligence, recklessness, or malice who are entitled to damages through American tort law. For an accident to be covered under this area of law, the following criteria must be present:

  • The responsible party had a “duty of care” that they were required to uphold in order to keep the victim safe from harm—such as obeying speed limits while driving.
  • The responsible party failed to uphold their duty of care—engaging in reckless driving behavior is a failure to uphold the duty of care entrusted to all licensed motor vehicle operators
  • The failure resulted in an accident where someone was injured
  • The injuries resulted in measurable damages that the victim can seek compensation for

As you can imagine, the above criteria indicate that there is a wide range of possible situations that a victim may be legally entitled to compensation for their injuries after. If the situation that caused the paralysis injury in question meets these criteria, then you may likely have more options available to you than are immediately apparent.

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Seeking Compensation For a Paralysis Injury

Whether or not you are certain that your injuries fall under tort law and entitle you to compensation, the best way to determine this is to contact a personal injury attorney who will be able to put your experience into the context of personal injury law. Determining whether or not you are eligible is one of many steps that you will need to take in order to resolve your situation, but one of the most complicated steps will be determining how much you are entitled to, and then fighting to get you what you deserve. After filing a claim with an insurance company, the process requires both sides to calculate what they believe to be a fair amount of compensatory damages for the injuries and associated damages, and then work to reach an agreement. Without the help of a personal injury lawyer, you will be left to negotiate with an insurance company on your own, at the same time that you are trying to move on with your life and adjust to your new reality with these serious injuries.

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