Some Worrisome Statistics

In 2015 alone, the Centers for Disease Control reported that over 2,300 teenagers lost their lives, and more than 221,000 were treated in emergency rooms for injuries sustained in accidents.

Call Us Today

If you or a loved one were hit and injured in a teen driving accident in Stone Mountain, Georgia, the accident attorney at The Pendergrass Law Firm has the expertise to help you and all injured victims of the car wreck.

Get The Legal Help You Need Now

Our attorneys will conduct a thorough investigation of the accident scene, get a copy of the police report, review the damage to the vehicles involved, and fight to get you the compensation you deserve.

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You can call us to schedule a free consultation or book it directly through our website. We work on a contingency basis which means you do not pay us unless you win.

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Main Reasons for Teenage Car Accidents in Stone Mountain, Georgia

Here are some of the main reasons why teenagers get in an accident in Stone Mountain, Georgia:

Lack of Experience

It would seem intuitive to notice a road hazard and decide how to respond to it. However, Stone Mountain High School drivers with little or no experience may have slower reaction times or find it hard to decide when something constitutes a hazard. In these cases, it is easier for them to underestimate a dangerous situation and make critical decision errors, thus ending up in a crash after they lost control of the vehicle or hit other vehicles.

Distracted Driving

Taking cell phones away from teenagers’ hands is almost impossible. Convincing them to stop using their phone, texting, or checking their social media pages while driving is even more difficult. Close to half of them admit to having sent an email or a text while driving, leaving safety aside.

Friends in the Car

Teenagers in Stone Mountain sometimes have too many passengers in their car, which serves as a distraction from the task of driving. This can lead to their drinking or using drugs while driving, especially on nights and weekends. This could result in accidents that cause serious injuries.


When a teenager is the driver of a car, they sometimes speed or follow too closely behind other cars. Sometimes they speed while on the phone and disregard traffic signs or even the police until it’s too late. If someone gets killed, the teens may then end up in jail, accused of reckless driving and vehicular homicide.

Damages You May Seek After an Accident

If you were harmed or a loved one was killed in an accident caused by teens, you have a right to seek compensation for your damages and losses. Your lawyer will include all your medical bills, including hospital stays. Also, if your child was injured and had to miss days at school, or you have lost wages, then all these expenses will be included. Non-economic damages will also be included. These refer to things like pain and suffering, emotional trauma, loss of enjoyment of life, and others. 

Since these are much harder to quantify, your lawyer will use a formula to calculate a fair figure to cover those damages. In cases where there was excessive negligence or the damages and injuries sustained are extensive and severe, the judge or jury may also decide to award punitive damages, setting an example for other young drivers. Families of accident victims who died can also file a wrongful death claim against the party at fault. There is no need for you to feel overwhelmed by your losses and injuries after an accident. Your only priority should be recovery. Our legal team will take care of the legal aspects for you. We have the necessary experience to negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf to reach the most beneficial settlement. If that yields no results, we will file a claim and take your case all the way to court. Let us start today by hearing your story.

Get Legal Help From The Pendergrass Law Firm

If you have been in a collision with Stone Mountain High School students and teens, go to our website to schedule a free consultation to talk to our attorneys about the wreck. We will investigate the car accident scene to determine who is at fault for the crash, and build a strong case to help you get the compensation you deserve. Call us today.

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