Bicycle accidents in Georgia

We know how traumatic a bicycle accident can be. Unlike drivers or passengers inside a vehicle, bicyclists are unprotected on the road, and you may have sustained serious injuries as a result that require extensive medical care—and high medical costs. As with other types of traffic accidents, bicycle accidents in Georgia require understanding who was at fault, and proving this fault can be a challenging task. If you believe the other party was responsible, a bicycle accident attorney in Peachtree Corners, GA, may be able to seek compensation on your behalf.

Who’s at fault in a bicycle accident?

Determining fault isn’t always easy in a bicycle accident. Georgia is an at-fault state, which means that those who caused the accident are the ones responsible for paying for the other party’s losses. That’s not where the problem lies, however. The issue comes down to Georgia’s modified comparative negligence law. This law means that you can still get some compensation if you were partly at fault, but only if you don’t have the largest percentage of fault. This means that it’s in everyone’s best interests to blame the other party for the majority of the accident. If the accident wasn’t your fault, you need to get a lawyer who will fight to ensure you get the right amount of compensation.

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How do you prove negligence in Georgia?

It’s essential that you prove negligence, but it’s not always a straightforward process because of the need to meet a few minimum requirements. The first requirement is to prove that the other person had a duty of care toward you. Anyone driving a vehicle has a duty of care to drive safely and obey traffic laws. Next, your lawyer must prove that the driver breached that duty of care. If they were driving under the influence, for example, that’s a breach because it puts your life at risk. Your attorney then has to show that the person’s negligence led to your injuries and that you can be compensated for those losses. If you can’t meet any of these requirements, it’s likely you don’t have a viable claim. Always consult with an attorney first to know for sure. 

Common causes of bicycle accidents in Peachtree Corners, GA

As in the rest of the country, distracted driving is one of the most common causes of bicycle accidents. Drivers who are texting, scrolling through social media, or fiddling with the radio aren’t paying full attention to the road, which leads to collisions. Speeding is another concern. A speeding driver isn’t just a driver going over the posted limit, but also someone who is going too fast for road conditions. The injuries that can result from a collision between a speeding vehicle and a bicycle can be catastrophic. Other common causes of accidents include poor road conditions, driving under the influence, and reckless driving. Any of these causes can put those who are most vulnerable on the road, like cyclists, at risk of severe injuries. 

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Do you need a bicycle accident lawyer in Peachtree Corners, GA?

If you’ve been in a bicycle accident and suffered injuries, turning to a lawyer can mean having a better chance of getting compensation. The first thing a bicycle accident attorney in Peachtree Corners, GA, can do is assess whether you have a claim by verifying that your case meets certain standards. At Pendergrass Law, we make it easier for you to understand your chances of winning and the kind of compensation you could claim. We can help you get the necessary evidence to prove you weren’t at fault, including witness statements and police records. Furthermore, we offer assistance dealing with insurance companies. Insurance companies will try to blame you and minimize your claim. We know how to effectively negotiate with them to get you the compensation you deserve. 

Available compensation in bicycle accidents

When you file a personal injury claim, you are seeking compensation for the losses you’ve suffered. Economic losses include medical bills, property damage, and even lost wages. These are losses that you can set a concrete number to. Non-economic damages are another type of compensation you can claim. They are losses that are hard to put a number to, making them more subjective, and include loss of enjoyment of life, loss of companionship, and pain and suffering.  In the most severe cases, punitive damages might also be an option. Keep in mind that these are meant to mainly punish the defendant, not compensate you. 

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Why turn to The Pendergrass Law Firm?

Struggling with injuries, property damage, and even emotional trauma can leave you dealing with all manner of financial losses. You shouldn’t have to shoulder these burdens alone if you’re not to blame for the accident. At Pendergrass Law, we take pride in doing things the right way and providing help for those who’ve suffered because of other people’s negligence. Our team can provide both support and guidance, offering compassionate but tenacious service to both the English- and Spanish-speaking communities. Don’t wait to begin your claim. Contact Pendergrass Law to schedule your free consultation today.

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