Do you need an Uber accident attorney in Stone Mountain?

If you’re injured by a negligent driver, figuring out the party legally responsible for your injuries is easy — it’s the other driver. However, if you’re injured by an Uber or Lyft driver, things are much murkier. Is the driver the one held responsible? Or is it the rideshare company?

Who is the responsible party in rideshare accidents?

In many cases, the individual driver — not the rideshare company — is held responsible for accidents. If that driver’s actions caused an accident where you were injured, an Uber accident attorney in Stone Mountain would likely file a claim against the driver’s insurance company.

Drivers for Uber and Lyft are independent contractors and not employees. Because they don’t have the same level of supervision an employee would, the rideshare company usually isn’t liable for accidents in the way an employer would be.

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When is the rideshare company responsible?

There are some cases where the rideshare company can be held responsible. If the rideshare company itself is negligent (and that negligence contributed to your injury), the company might be legally responsible in addition to (or instead of) the driver. For example, if a rideshare company approves a driver with multiple reckless driving convictions and that driver causes an accident, the company might be at fault. It’s difficult to determine fault on your own, but a Lyft accident attorney in Stone Mountain can help.

What should you do right after a rideshare accident?

If you’ve just been in a major car accident, it can be hard to think straight. That’s completely normal. But if you have the presence of mind to do so, make sure to do the following:

Call 911

The dispatcher should send a police officer to take a report and an ambulance if anyone is hurt

Get the Driver’s Information

Make sure to get their insurance information, name, contact info, and Uber or Lyft driver registration number

Report to the Rideshare Company

The app should have an emergency contact icon — don’t talk about crash details or your injuries without a lawyer

Document the Scene

If you are able, take photos and videos of the accident scene, the vehicles involved, and anything else that seems relevant

Find Witnesses

If you can, ask witnesses for contact information so your attorney can contact them later

Get Medical Attention

Even if you don’t think you’re hurt, you should visit a hospital, urgent care center, or other medical facility as soon as possible

Of course, in some cases, your injuries may be so severe that you’re unable to do any of those tasks. If you can’t gather evidence at the scene, your Lyft accident lawyer in Stone Mountain can help you determine what your next steps should be.

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Preparing for your case

If you are planning on talking to a Lyft accident lawyer in Stone Mountain or think you might want to, make sure you collect as much evidence as you can and keep it somewhere safe. Receipts for medical care and any other expenses you incurred are some of the most valuable pieces of evidence.

If you do pursue a case, you also will need a clear narrative of what happened. The accident might seem fresh in your mind now, but for many people, memories of traumatic events can quickly become fuzzy and unclear. As soon as you can, write down as much as you can about the accident.

If you think you might have a case, you should set up an appointment with an Uber accident attorney in Stone Mountain. A rideshare accident lawyer will need to take a look at your specific case. If you have significant damages (like medical bills and lost wages), a lawyer may be more likely to take your case.

Looking for an Uber or Lyft accident attorney in Stone Mountain?

If you’ve been injured in any car accident, navigating the legal system can be confusing. It’s even more so if you’re hurt in an Uber or Lyft accident. You can familiarize yourself with the general laws around rideshare accidents, but only an attorney will be able to accurately assess who’s responsible for paying for your injuries. At Pendergrass Law, we’re eager to use our experience and knowledge of personal injury law to seek justice for people injured in rideshare accidents. Car accident injuries can be devastating, and the financial cost can be significant. We aim to hold negligent drivers and rideshare companies accountable and recover compensation for you. If you’ve been injured in a rideshare accident, you need an Uber accident lawyer in Stone Mountain. Contact us online or schedule a visit at our Stone Mountain office at 1298 Rockbridge Road SW, Suite C, to set up a free consultation!

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