What to Do After a Clayton Car Accident

In the aftermath of a Clayton car accident, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. So what can you do while you wait to speak with a Clayton car crash lawyer? After an accident, the first step is to seek medical attention. This gives you a chance to recover physically and prevents any injuries from worsening. It also provides evidence that you were injured in the accident and that you pursued medical attention. Because of this, getting aid, even if you feel fine, is vital. Next, report the accident to the authorities. Typically, the police must file a report if anyone is injured or killed or if the property damage is valued at more than $500. If you fail to report, you may face legal consequences. Likewise, you will need to report your accident to your insurance company. You do not have to tell them everything—simply notify them of the accident. 

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Who Is Liable for a Clayton Car Accident?

When you are hurt in a Clayton car accident, getting answers about liability is one of the first things you may need to worry about. You cannot sue unless you know the identity of the at-fault party. While identifying the at-fault party may be complex, your car accident attorney in Clayton can help. Below is just a short sample of the people or parties who may be liable for your injuries:

  • Other drivers
  • Employers of drivers on the job
  • Government agencies
  • Vehicle or parts manufacturers
  • Mechanics

Unsure who caused your car accident? Your lawyer has the tools you need to determine who is at fault. Evidence from the scene and elsewhere can help you prove liability and take the at-fault party to the courtroom.

Insurance Companies May Not Be On Your Side

When involved in a car accident, you may think, “Why not let my insurance company cover the costs?” While this seems right in theory, insurance companies are for-profit businesses. That means they may place their profits over your health. That means many people receive fast and low settlement offers that do not cover the costs of their recovery. Insurance companies may even try to pressure you into accepting these settlement offers. You do not have to accept that. Your Clayton car accident lawyer can help you know what your claim is worth and take your case to court if they continuously fail to compensate you fairly.

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Damages in a Clayton Car Accident 

After a car accident, the costs and suffering you experience because of your injuries can be high. You may have suffered tangible and intangible losses, called damages. These damages can be compensatory, or they may be intended to punish the at-fault party. Sadly, it is easy to overlook or miscalculate your damages and receive less than you are due. Talk to your car accident lawyer in Clayton about calculating the following:

  • Economic Damages: Your economic damages should cover all financial losses you suffered because of the accident. That includes medical costs, lost wages, property damage, and any other expenses you would not have incurred if your accident had not happened.
  • Non-Economic Damages: Intangible losses like anxiety or mental anguish may not have a dollar value, but they are still important damages to include in your claim. Talk to your lawyer about accurately calculating these damages and getting the funds you are due.
  • Punitive Damages: Rather than compensating you for a loss, punitive damages punish the at-fault party for gross negligence or intentional harm. While these damages can be difficult to get, your lawyer is prepared to help if you believe you may be eligible for these damages.

Comparative Negligence Laws in Car Accident Claims

When you are involved in a Clayton car accident, you may be worried you are partly at fault. Accidents are rarely exclusively the fault of one party, and it may seem natural to accept part of the fault, especially in the accident’s immediate aftermath. This is a mistake. Comparative negligence law in Georgia states that your compensation will be reduced by the percentage of fault you share. For example, if you are due $100,000 and you are 25 percent at fault, you will only receive 75 percent of your compensation, or $75,000. Getting the full compensation you are due is often vital to your physical and emotional recovery. Because of this, your lawyer is ready to fight back when the defense tries to place the blame on you.

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Clayton Car Accident FAQ

Personal injury cases are complex. You may have several questions about your options for a lawsuit or settlement. Worse, a single wrong move can lead to a dismissal of your claim. That is why it is so important to speak with a lawyer now, not later. Have questions about your claim? Our lawyers at The Pendergrass Law Firm can give you in-depth, personalized answers about your case and how we can help. During your free consultation, you can get answers to our most common questions about the efforts we make for our clients.

What services does a Clayton car accident lawyer offer?

Your car accident attorney should provide evidence-gathering resources, guidance in filing your paperwork, and representation in the courtroom. Your lawyer is here to take the stress and pressure off your shoulders. That way, you can spend less time worrying about whether your claim will succeed and more time focused on your health and your family.

What should I look for when hiring a Clayton car accident lawyer?

When hiring a Clayton motor vehicle accident lawyer, look for professionalism, experience, and a proven track record. You need a lawyer who is willing to do what it takes to win your case and not settle for less. Our car accident lawyers have years of experience and the resources and connections that can help you build a successful case to overcome the suffering you experienced because of your car crash.

How can I prove auto accident liability in a car crash case?

Proving liability in a car accident case can be tough. In some cases, the party liable for your injuries may not have even been present during the accident. That is why evidence, eyewitnesses, and expert witness testimony is so important. This evidence can help you prove who is liable for your injuries so you are compensated fairly for your suffering.

What is the statute of limitations for a car accident claim?

In Georgia, you only have two years from the date of your Clayton car accident to file a claim. You may be barred from compensation if you fail to act within this time limit. That leaves you paying out of your pocket for the damages you have suffered. If you are worried about the time you have remaining for your lawsuit, talk to a car accident attorney in Clayton about your options to act now.

What compensation can I receive in a car accident claim?

When you are recovering from a Clayton car accident, you need coverage for all your losses and suffering. These are known as damages, and you should be compensated for all the economic and non-economic damages you have suffered. If you are unsure what your damages are worth, talk to your lawyer about the value of your claim and what you can do to calculate your damages.

How long will it take to settle my claim?

When you are hurt in a car accident and need money, it can be difficult to wait for the full settlement offer or compensation you need. Unfortunately, there is no set timeline for a claim. They can take months or years to settle, depending on the at-fault party. What we can promise is that we take care of every client to ensure they know their rights and have the full support they need to overcome their injuries and get compensated.

Connect with a Clayton Car Accident Lawyer

After car accidents in Georgia, recovery can be difficult. You are already suffering, the bills are piling up, and the at-fault party is unwilling to provide the compensation you know you are due. That leaves you waiting for an answer they are not willing to provide. At The Pendergrass Law Firm, we understand that Clayton car accident victims are suffering and may have trouble recovering from their injuries. Your Clayton car accident attorney is here to help you get your due compensation and recover from your suffering. You do not have to fight alone. When you are ready to file a claim, reach out for a free consultation. You can reach us at (404) 348-4511 , or you can fill out our online contact form to learn more.

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