Common motorcycle injuries

You can get injured in any kind of car accident even if you take safety precautions. However, there are certain types of injuries that bikers commonly suffer. Here are some of the injuries your motorcycle accident lawyer in Stone Mountain can help you seek compensation for.

Road rash

When you have an accident on a bike, there’s nothing to contain you, and you’ll likely make contact with the ground. You may be dragged across the pavement, resulting in severe scrapes, a condition known as “road rash.” You could even be dragged long enough that you’ll lose several layers of skin, and your muscles and bones may end up being exposed. This is why it’s always a good idea to wear protective clothing.

Head and neck injuries

Although the law may dictate that a biker wear a helmet, many riders ignore it, saying that helmets are uncomfortable and obstruct their vision. If you fall and land on your head, you may suffer anything from a concussion to permanent brain damage. When you hit your head, you can easily damage your spinal cord. This can lead to permanent paralysis and loss of the function of essential organs.

Biker’s arm

As the name indicates, this happens when a biker falls off their motorcycle and onto their arm. It’s worse than an ordinary break because the entire weight of the rider’s body or the bike itself will often be forced onto the arm. This can result in paralysis.

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Why a motorcyclist needs an attorney

Georgia is a tort state when it comes to automobile insurance. This means that a driver responsible for an accident is liable for all of its associated bills. A driver is considered responsible for an accident if they’re to blame for more than 50% of the crash. The driver’s insurance company will likely try to get out of paying the bills for a motorcycle-involved accident because the injuries are more severe, and the bills tend to be higher. An insurance adjuster may blame you and your mode of transportation for the severity of the injury. They may offer you less than you deserve. When you hire our law firm, you’ll have a team of experienced personal injury professionals on your side. Our legal assistants will research every element of your case. Our attorneys are well-versed in insurance law in the Peach State and know how to negotiate with insurance adjusters to get you the best deal possible. In the unlikely event that we have to file a lawsuit, our attorneys have years of experience arguing in front of judges and juries. A licensed motorcycle accident attorney in Stone Mountain has the ability to subpoena records, which can be critical to any legal case.

What to do at the scene

You can do a few things to improve your chances of securing compensation for your injuries if you’re hurt in an accident. When you have an accident, you should call the police and wait for them to arrive. Take pictures and get the names of witnesses if you’re able to. If an ambulance arrives for you, you should go to the hospital. You should also always request a copy of the accident report.

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Collecting Evidence

Save the bill from the mechanic who fixes your bike, as well as a copy of every medical bill you get. Also, make sure to keep the receipts for any medications you may have to take. You should also get your employer to write you a letter stating the number of hours of work you’ve missed.

Wrongful death cases after a motorcycle accident

If you’ve lost a loved one to a motorcycle accident and believe it was due to another driver’s negligence, call us to discuss the possibility of a wrongful death suit. You must be a member of the decedent’s immediate family to file this kind of suit. Motorcycle accidents can be devastating. A motorcycle accident lawyer in Stone Mountain from The Pendergrass Law Firm will fight hard to get you the money you deserve.

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