Motorcycle accident statistics

Motorcycle riders represent the largest demographic in fatal traffic crashes. In 2019, 5,014 motorcyclists lost their lives on the road. Roughly 39% of motorcyclist deaths in 2019 involved only one other vehicle, and 61% involved multiple vehicles.

What kind of damages can I recover from my Peachtree Corners motorcycle accident?

In personal injury cases, victims are typically eligible for two types of compensation: economic damages and non-economic damages.

Economic damages

Economic damages are meant to cover the tangible losses you’ve suffered as a result of the accident. The most common types of economic damages are medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage. Your motorcycle accident attorney in Peachtree Corners from Pendergrass law firm will fight for the compensation you need for all of your medical expenses, including physical therapy and rehabilitation. You could also be compensated for your future lost earnings if you’re unable to work.

Non-economic damages

By contrast, non-economic damages are intended to compensate victims for their pain and suffering, both psychological and physical. Your Peachtree Corners motorcycle accident lawyer will calculate these damages by totaling your tangible losses and multiplying them according to the severity of your accident. This multiplier can range from 1.5 for minor injuries to 5 in the most egregious cases. The more severe the injuries, the higher the multiplier. For example, if you suffered multiple fractures, were unable to work for weeks, and needed physical therapy, your total economic damages may be multiplied by a factor of 4 or 5 to compensate you for your life-changing injuries.

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Get the help you deserve from a Peachtree Corners motorcycle accident attorney

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, reach out to the team at Pendergrass Law. During your free consultation, we’ll walk through the facts of your case, answer any questions you might have, and share a path for moving forward with your case.

Motorcycle Accidents FAQ

The following information is meant to give you a general understanding of motorcycle accidents. It does not constitute formal guidance or signify an attorney-client relationship. Contact The Pendergrass Law Firm today to schedule your free consultation with a motorcycle accident attorney in Peachtree Corners.

What are some of the most common motorcycle accident injuries?

Road rash is one of the most prevalent injuries in accidents involving open vehicles like motorcycles. It occurs when a motorist is thrown off their vehicle and hits the asphalt.

Is white-lining illegal in Georgia?

The practice of white lining, also known as lane splitting, is illegal in Georgia. Therefore, if any motorcyclist is involved in an accident while splitting lanes, they can be held liable for causing personal injuries.

What should I do after a motorcycle accident in Peachtree Corners?

The first thing you should do after a motorcycle accident is call the police. This will ensure that they arrive at the scene of the crash to write up a police report and interview witnesses. They’ll also assess any property damage. If you’re injured, head to the nearest emergency room to get emergency care. The injuries suffered after a motorcycle accident can be severe, sometimes life-threatening. If you’re able, take photographs of your motorcycle and any skid marks and debris on the roadway. You should also take pictures of the injuries you’ve suffered as a result of the accident. Lastly, make it a point to exchange information with the other drivers involved, including your name, address, email address, phone number, and auto insurance information.

What should I not do after a motorcycle accident?

Many things may be going through your mind after an accident. However, you don’t want to say anything that could be misconstrued or used against you later. The police officer who responds to your accident will ask you for a statement. Only provide the facts regarding what happened before and during your accident — don’t speculate on the cause of the accident or the speed at which the other driver was traveling before the accident. These sorts of particulars will be determined after a thorough investigation. You should only answer the questions the officer asks, providing clear, direct information without extraneous details. You should never deny medical treatment, no matter how you may feel. It’s a well-known fact that during accident scenarios, adrenaline and other hormones are rapidly released in the body to make you more alert and able to respond. This is your “fight or flight” response, and it can often mute pain so you can endure through a crisis. If you deny medical attention, you not only risk having an undetected injury, but the insurance company may deny your claim. Finally, don’t give any recorded statements to the insurance company without your motorcycle accident lawyer in Peachtree Corners being present.

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