Do you need a spinal cord injury attorney in Peachtree Corners, GA?

A spinal cord injury can be life-changing and traumatic. But filing a successful personal injury claim for your injury can be a challenge, and with these kinds of serious injuries, you can’t risk not getting the help you need. That’s why you need a dedicated lawyer by your side. The compassionate team at Pendergrass Law can assess your claim and offer guidance on the kind of compensation you may be eligible to receive.

If you have a viable claim, we can then begin gathering the necessary evidence to show someone else is to blame for your injury. The most difficult part of these claims is often dealing with insurance companies. They may try to minimize or even dismiss your claim. But we can fight aggressively to protect your rights and won’t hesitate to take your case to court, should the need arise.

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What is a spinal cord injury?

A spinal cord injury involves damage to the nerve fibers that send and receive signals from the brain. The damage can occur anywhere along your spinal cord, potentially resulting in everything from loss of partial function to complete paralysis. Some of the most common causes of these injuries are car accidents and falls. The force of an impact on the spinal cord can lead to all kinds of damage, including broken vertebrae. Falls tend to be a particularly prevalent cause of spinal cord injuries for older people. The lower back usually absorbs most of the shock of a fall, which can lead to serious injuries that could end with loss of function. 

Can you get compensation for a spinal cord injury?

Whether you can obtain compensation for a spinal cord injury depends on the kind of accident you had that led to the injury. To get compensation, your lawyer will have to prove negligence on someone else’s part. This may seem like a straightforward process, but it can be quite complicated due to the requirements you have to meet. Your lawyer will need to first show that the person at fault owed you a duty of care and that they breached that duty. For example, if you slipped on a wet floor that wasn’t labeled as such at a store, the owner of the store had a duty to keep you safe and didn’t do so. Next, your attorney will have to prove that the person's negligence led to your injuries and that your injuries are eligible for compensation under Georgia law. In the case of slipping on a store’s wet floor, you can claim the injury came from the negligence of not warning others of a wet floor and request compensation for your medical bills. 

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Types of compensation available for a spinal cord injury

Spinal cord injuries are severe and can lead to ongoing medical needs. Economic damages help to cover these needs, while also offering you the chance to recover compensation for lost earning potential and future needs you may have as a result of a disability.

With these types of potentially catastrophic injuries, you can also claim non-economic damages. These damages compensate you for the intangible harm you sustain because of your injury, such as pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life. 

If a loved one suffered this injury and died or is no longer able to offer love and support, you can also claim loss of companionship. Because these damages are more difficult to claim, you need a knowledgeable spinal cord injury lawyer in Peachtree Corners, GA, who can fight effectively on your behalf.

What sets the Pendergrass Law Firm apart?

It’s never easy to choose the lawyer to represent your claim. When you turn to us, however, you get more than just legal help—you get support during this trying time. We understand how devastating a spinal cord injury can be, and we have a proven track record of protecting clients just like you. We run a boutique firm, which means that you’ll never be just another claim. Because we know cases are as unique as people, we thoroughly evaluate each one to find the right way of handling them. There are no cookie-cutter processes with us. At Pendergrass Law, we also provide bilingual services, allowing us to help both the Spanish- and English-speaking communities of Peachtree Corners, GA. You should never have to worry about a language barrier issue when trying to get help. 

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Turn to a spinal cord injury lawyer in Peachtree Corners, GA

Have you suffered a catastrophic injury like a spinal cord injury? You need an experienced lawyer by your side to guide you through the claims process and secure the compensation you deserve. Contact Pendergrass Law to schedule a consultation with our skilled team today.

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