Personal Injury Case Types
Car Accidents
Motor vehicle accidents are the most common personal injury that lawyers try and settle regularly. Whether you’ve been affected by a car accident as a passenger or driver or involved in a collision including a motorcycle, pedestrian, or commercial vehicle an Atlanta personal injury attorney can help you receive the financial compensation you’re entitled to.
View Car AccidentsWrongful Death
A wrongful death may happen as a result of a car accident or other personal injury accident. Some of the most common wrongful death causes are construction accidents, use of defective products, medical malpractice, and traffic accidents. It’s important, when filing a wrongful death claim, that your personal injury lawyer has experience with wrongful death claims because they are unique compared to other personal injury claims.
View Wrongful DeathPremises Liability
Personal injury could also occur as a result of negligent practices on another person’s property. Grocery stores, shopping centers, swimming pools, or the homes of neighbors have been held liable for personal injuries. Improper cleanup, defective safety equipment, mishandling of pets, and slip and fall accidents have led to personal injury lawsuits.
View Premises LiabilityProduct Liability
Similar to premises liabilities, manufacturers and businesses can be held responsible when their products harm others. Businesses can be found liable in civil court for not properly warning their consumers about potential dangers their products present. Merchants, designers, and marketing agents can also be held responsible for defective products. An experienced Atlanta personal injury lawyer will have experience investigating harmful products, identifying the liable party, then trying or settling the claim for the maximum compensation allowed for your injuries.
View Product Liability