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Relying on a car accident lawyer in Atlanta, GA

A car accident lawyer focuses on cases that deal with injuries and property damage that occurred as a result of someone’s negligence while on the road. At Pendergrass Law, we can help you get the compensation you deserve for the injuries you’ve suffered.

Proving fault in a texting and driving accident

To receive compensation for any injuries you suffered as a result of someone texting and driving, you have to prove that they were negligent. You have to prove that the other party had a duty of care. In the case of a car accident, everyone on the road is expected to operate their vehicles safely. You then have to prove that the person failed to provide that duty of care. If they acted in any way other than what a reasonably prudent person would do, they’re likely in breach of that duty. The next step is to show that the actions of the person caused the accident that led to the injuries. If someone acted negligently but didn’t actually cause your injuries, then you don’t have a claim. The final step is to prove that the other party’s negligence led to you suffering damages. This step is what allows insurers and the court to compensate you.

Distracted driving in Georgia

Distracted driving is a serious issue throughout the United States, but especially in highly-populated cities like Atlanta, GA. Any driver who takes their attention off the road can easily cause an accident. Texting while driving is a common problem despite most states having laws against doing it. In Georgia, the fine for a first conviction of distracted driving is no more than $50 and one point on your license. Someone who gets a second conviction within 24 months can get a fine of no more than $100 and two points on their license. Third and subsequent instances of distracted driving within 24 months can lead to a fine of $150 and three points. Texting and driving can lead to all manner of injuries. When a driver is distracted, they don’t have the ability to react in time to hazards on the road. They are also more likely to cause a wider range of accident types, from rear-end collisions to head-on accidents.

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Kinds of damages you can claim

Economic Damages

After a texting and driving accident that resulted in injuries, you can claim economic damages. These include medical expenses, like hospital bills, ambulance fees, and so much more. If you require ongoing treatment, you can include future medical expenses. Economic damages also cover property damage. If your car requires repairs or needs replacing, you could get compensation for that. In many instances, injuries and the treatments you need to heal from them can cause you to miss work. That means you miss out on wages. Compensation could also be available for lost wages.

Non-Economic Damages

There are non-economic damages you can claim, as well. These are more complex, which is why relying on a car accident lawyer in Atlanta, GA, is so important. One type of non-economic damage is pain and suffering. Injuries don’t just come down to the expenses of paying for treatment — they also involve dealing with pain and distress. Pain and suffering damages strive to compensate you for these.

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Is hiring a car accident attorney in Atlanta, GA, necessary?

Filing a personal injury claim after a car accident is not a simple process. Proving that the other party was negligent is, on its own, difficult enough to do. To make your claim, you’ll have to gather evidence. When you have a lawyer helping you, they can do this for you so that you can focus on healing from the physical and mental trauma the accident caused. You’ll also have to deal with insurance companies. They’re not going to make the process easy for you. In many instances, they offer low settlements and try to bully you into taking them. A lawyer will negotiate for you so you can get a fair deal. If the other party disputes who’s at fault or your rights are otherwise not being respected, your attorney can take your case to court.

Getting compensation after a car accident

Being in a texting and driving accident that resulted in injuries and property damage can lead you to experience physical pain, stress, and financial strain. By turning to a car accident lawyer in Atlanta, GA, you can get a fair assessment of your claim. At Pendergrass Law, our team is here to offer guidance and support through the tough process of filing a personal injury claim. We treat all of our clients with the respect and care they deserve. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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