Understanding product liability

Product liability refers to the legal liability that manufacturers and sellers have when their products cause injuries or fatalities. Product liability laws govern any claims you file as a result of these injuries. At Pendergrass Law, we can offer the help you need. 

Unique challenges of product liability claims

Unlike other personal injury claims, you don’t have to prove negligence when dealing with product liability. This is because these kinds of claims follow strict liability laws, which only require that you show the product directly caused injuries. There are still some things you do have to prove, however. You’ll have to show that the product was in some way defective and that you used it as intended. You then have to demonstrate that the product defect or malfunction led to the injuries you sustained and that you can be compensated for the damages you suffered. Although you don’t have to prove negligence, you still need to provide evidence that the product didn’t work as it should have. That isn’t easy to do, which is why turning to a product liability lawyer in Atlanta, GA, is vital. Something to keep in mind is that you may be dealing with corporations and large businesses that have teams of lawyers. If you don’t have experienced representation, it can be very difficult to win these kinds of claims. 

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How a product liability lawyer in Atlanta, GA, offers help

When you turn to The Pendergrass Law Firm, you’re getting help right from the start. It’s important to understand that not every person who thinks they have a claim does. An early assessment allows us to see if we can help. The next step is to gather all of the necessary evidence to show the injuries you sustained were caused by a product that didn’t work as it should have. Evidence can include medical records and expert witness testimony. Perhaps the most difficult aspect of filing a claim of this type is the negotiation process. Because dealing with manufacturers and sellers can mean facing entire teams of lawyers, knowing you have professionals by your side makes a difference. Our lawyers have handled countless product liability claims, and we know how to manage the unique challenges of dealing with corporate lawyers. If we feel that the negotiations aren’t getting anywhere or that you’re not being treated fairly, we have litigation experience. This means that we won’t shy away from filing a lawsuit and taking your case to court.

What kind of compensation can you get for a product liability claim?

A product liability attorney in Atlanta, GA, will be able to assess exactly the kind of damages that you could be entitled to receive.

Medical Expenses

Injuries resulting from a malfunctioning product can mean incurring medical expenses you shouldn’t have to pay out of your own pocket. Compensation is available for hospital bills, medication costs, and even therapy.

Future Medical Costs

If you’ve suffered an injury that will require ongoing care, the damages can also include future costs of the treatments you will need.

Lost Wages

Suffering an injury and getting care may mean having to miss work. That results in not getting paid what you would otherwise have made. You can claim the income you missed out on as damages as well.

Future Earnings

For injuries that are severe enough to lead to disabilities, you could also get future wages you’ll give up because you can’t work at your old job or at all.

Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering damages strive to compensate you for the physical and emotional distress the injuries and the whole experience have caused. We can help you put a fair number to these damages.

Loss of Enjoyment of Life

If you’re dealing with lasting injuries or disabilities, your quality of life suffers. This means that you could get compensation for loss of enjoyment of life.

Additional Non-Economic Damages

By assessing your claim, we can help you understand the various other non-economic damages that you may be able to get.

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Fighting for your rights in Atlanta, GA

Every time you purchase a product, you’re assuming that the manufacturer, designer, and seller know the product is safe. If they breach that trust by selling a product that isn’t safe for the public, you could file a claim with the help of a product liability lawyer in Atlanta. At Pendergrass Law, we treat every client as we would want our loved ones to be treated. You’re never a number when you turn to us; you’re a person who deserves to be heard. We’ll walk you through the entire process and help you make the right decisions for your unique case. Get started today by calling The Pendergrass Law Firm for a free case assessment.

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